Author: Matthew Dowst


Search Intune for Devices with Application Installed

This script uses the GraphAPI to check all devices in Intune to see if they have a particular application installed. $Application = "*PuTTY*" $Username = '[email protected]' Function Get-AuthToken { <# .SYNOPSIS This function is used to authenticate with the Graph API REST interface .DESCRIPTION The function authenticate with the Graph API Interface with the tenant name .EXAMPLE Get-AuthToken Authenticates you...

Run PSExec From PowerShell

PowerShell remoting help in a lot of areas, but there are times when you need to use PSExec. For those instances, I’ve created a function that you can use to run a command on a remote machine using PSExec. Function ExecutePsExec($computer, $command){ $ping = Test-Connection $computer -Count 1 -Quiet if($ping){ $StdOutput = (Join-path $env:temp "$($computer).txt") Start-Process -FilePath $psexec -ArgumentList "-s...