Converting Visio to PNG and SVG
When working in Visio, it is not uncommon that you need to export your diagram to a picture for sharing or placing in documentation. For example, when writing, I will often have multiple Visio diagrams that I continually tweak throughout the process. So, I wrote a function to take all the Visio diagrams in a folder and export them to...
Extracting images from Word
This post will show you have to use PowerShell extraction images from a Word document, copy them to a new location, and list the caption information for each image.
Automation Authoring
When I started writing my book, Practical Automation with PowerShell, I discovered how much time and energy is required to keep everything up to date. For example, if I changed a piece of code in the text, I had to make sure the code sent to the publisher and uploaded to GitHub matched. Not to mention the style guidelines I...