Quick and Easy Day of the Week Date Picker
$today = [datetime]::Today $dates = @() for($i = $today.AddDays(0).DayOfWeek.value__; $i -ge 0; $i--){ $dates += $today.AddDays(-$i) } $date = $dates | Out-GridView -PassThru
My name is Matthew Dowst and I am a father, author, blogger, Microsoft MVP in PowerShell and Azure Hybrid & Migration. And I am an enthusiast of all things PowerShell and DevOps.
Practical Automation with PowerShell
Now available on Amazon and all major book retailers
My name is Matthew Dowst and I am a father, author, blogger, Microsoft MVP in PowerShell and Azure Hybrid & Migration. And I am an enthusiast of all things PowerShell and DevOps.
Practical Automation with PowerShell
Now available on Amazon and all major book retailers