Category: Uncategorized


Compare Images

The following function can be used to compare two pictures based on size and a pixel-by-pixel comparison. Function Compare-Images { param( $ReferenceFile, $DifferenceFile ) $ReferenceImage = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::FromFile($ReferenceFile) $DifferenceImage = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::FromFile($DifferenceFile) if ($ReferenceImage.Size -ne $DifferenceImage.Size) { Write-Host "Images are of different sizes" $false } else { # Set the difference to 0 [float]$Difference = 0; # Parse through each pixel for...

PowerShell Weekly Redesign!

I am pleased to announce that PowerShell Weekly has been redesigned and moved to its own sub-site All past posts and links are available there as well. What’s New New look and feel Thumbnails for every link Improved searching of the 2,000+ links Search by keyword, date, author, category Custom RSS Feed specifically the links