The following function can be used to compare two pictures based on size and a pixel-by-pixel comparison.
Function Compare-Images {
$ReferenceImage = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::FromFile($ReferenceFile)
$DifferenceImage = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::FromFile($DifferenceFile)
if ($ReferenceImage.Size -ne $DifferenceImage.Size) {
Write-Host "Images are of different sizes"
else {
# Set the difference to 0
[float]$Difference = 0;
# Parse through each pixel
for ($y = 0; $y -lt $ReferenceImage.Height; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $ReferenceImage.Width; $x++) {
$ReferencePixel = $ReferenceImage.GetPixel($x, $y);
$DifferencePixel = $DifferenceImage.GetPixel($x, $y);
# Caculate the difference in the Red, Green, and Blue colors
$Difference += [System.Math]::Abs($ReferencePixel.R - $DifferencePixel.R);
$Difference += [System.Math]::Abs($ReferencePixel.G - $DifferencePixel.G);
$Difference += [System.Math]::Abs($ReferencePixel.B - $DifferencePixel.B);
# Caculate the precentage of difference between the photos
$Difference = $(100 * ($Difference / 255) / ($ReferenceImage.Width * $ReferenceImage.Height * 3))
if ($Difference -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Difference: $Difference %"
else {
PS C:\>Compare-Images "C:\Pictures\Pic01a.png" "C:\Pictures\Pic01b.png" Difference: 0.01859266 % False
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