Generate Random Names

Function Get-RandomNames{
		[int] $count=10
    $Webfemale = Invoke-WebRequest ""
    $Webmale = Invoke-WebRequest ""
    $WebSurname = Invoke-WebRequest ""

    $female = @()
    $female = $Webfemale.Content.Split("`n").Trim() | ?{$_.length -gt 2} 

    $male = @()
    $male = $Webmale.Content.Split("`n").Trim() | ?{$_.length -gt 2} 

    $Surname = @()
    $Surname = $WebSurname.Content.Split("`n").Trim() | ?{$_.length -gt 2} 

    $names = @()
    for($i=0; $i -ne $count; $i++)
        if(($i % 2) -eq 1)
        $names += New-Object PSObject -Property @{Given=$($male | Get-Random);
                                                    Middle=$($male | Get-Random);
                                                    Surname=$($Surname | Get-Random)}
        $names += New-Object PSObject -Property @{Given=$($female | Get-Random);
                                                    Middle=$($female | Get-Random);
                                                    Surname=$($Surname | Get-Random)}

    Return $names
Pulls a list of all popular male and female names from the last 50 years and the 500 most common last names, and combines them to create a PowerShell object with a list of randomly generated names.

PS C:\> Function Get-RandomNames{
>>     [CmdletBinding()]
>>     [OutputType([Object])]
>>     param(
>>         [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
>> 		[int] $count=10
>>     )
>>     $Webfemale = Invoke-WebRequest ""
>>     $Webmale = Invoke-WebRequest ""
>>     $WebSurname = Invoke-WebRequest ""
>>     $female = @()
>>     $female = $Webfemale.Content.Split("`n").Trim() | ?{$_.length -gt 2}
>>     $male = @()
>>     $male = $Webmale.Content.Split("`n").Trim() | ?{$_.length -gt 2}
>>     $Surname = @()
>>     $Surname = $WebSurname.Content.Split("`n").Trim() | ?{$_.length -gt 2}
>>     $names = @()
>>     for($i=0; $i -ne $count; $i++)
>>     {
>>         if(($i % 2) -eq 1)
>>         {
>>         $names += New-Object PSObject -Property @{Given=$($male | Get-Random);
>>                                                     Middle=$($male | Get-Random);
>>                                                     Surname=$($Surname | Get-Random)}
>>         }
>>         else
>>         {
>>         $names += New-Object PSObject -Property @{Given=$($female | Get-Random);
>>                                                     Middle=$($female | Get-Random);
>>                                                     Surname=$($Surname | Get-Random)}
>>         }
>>     }
>>     Return $names
>> }
>> Get-RandomNames

Given   Middle   Surname
-----   ------   -------
Sofia   Renee    Luna
Douglas Camden   Klein
Tara    Kristi   Frazier
Johnny  Cory     Floyd
Lucy    Kendra   Sullivan
Colby   Chase    Holmes
Nora    Shelly   Hansen
Blake   Shannon  Williams
Holly   Penelope Mitchell
Grayson Ezra     Hampton