This post is an accompanying post for the JupyterHub Install with PowerShell Notebooks video that is part of the PowerShell Collaboration Unleashed series.
Connect to remote server
ssh <username>@<server-ip/name>
Install The Littlest JupyterHub
You can change hubadmin to whatever you want your admin account to be named.
Remove the slash (\) at the front of this command. For some reason WordPress would not let me save a curl command.
\curl -L | sudo -E python3 - --admin hubadmin
Install .NET SDK and Notebooks
Get the OS verion
cat /etc/os-release
export VERSION_ID=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION_ID | cut -d '"' -f 2)
Download Microsoft’s package repository for Ubuntu
Where the URL contains $VERSION_ID, which is dynamically replaced with the version of Ubuntu you are using. This file is Microsoft’s repository configuration for installing Microsoft products on Ubuntu.
Remove the slash (\) at the front of this command. For some reason WordPress would not let me save a curl command.
\curl -O "$VERSION_ID/packages-microsoft-prod.deb"
Install the repository package
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
Delete the package file
It is no longer needed after installing the repository
rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
Refresh the list of available packages
This refreshes from all configured sources, including the Microsoft repository that was just installed.
sudo apt update
Install the .NET SDK
In this case we are installing the dotnet-sdk-8.0 package. This can be updated to newer versions as they are released in the future.
sudo apt install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0
Install dotnet interactive SSH terminal to the tljh directory
sudo dotnet tool install Microsoft.dotnet-interactive --tool-path /opt/tljh/user/bin
Connect to JupyterHub
- Open web browser and navigate to – http://<server-ip/name>
- Login as hubadmin (or whatever name you specified during the install) and type any password to set it
Install .NET Notebooks
Open a Terminal window in JupyterHub and enter the command below.
dotnet interactive jupyter install
Create Notebook to install .NET Notebooks
Create a new Python notebook named ‘Install PowerShell Kernels.ipynb’. This will be used by other users to install the .NET notebooks into their environment. Enter the script below into the notebook and save it.
## Importing subprocess module
import subprocess
## execute shell command to install dotnet interactive objects
subprocess.Popen('dotnet interactive jupyter install', shell=True)
Create ‘Get-Module.ipynb’
Get-Module -ListAvailable
Create Shared Directories
Create three shared Directories.
- setup – will be read-only
- shared – will allow users to save and share notebooks, but others cannot edit their notebooks
- collab – all user will have full read/write access to all notebooks in this folder
Except where noted all commands are entered in a terminal in JupyterHub
Create the read-only shared folder
sudo mkdir -p /srv/data/setup
sudo ln -s /srv/data/setup /etc/skel/setup
Copy the Install PowerShell Kernels notebook into it
sudo cp 'Install PowerShell Kernels.ipynb' /srv/data/setup
Create the shared folder
sudo mkdir -p /srv/data/shared
sudo ln -s /srv/data/shared /etc/skel/shared
sudo chown root:jupyterhub-users /srv/data/shared
sudo chmod 777 /srv/data/shared
sudo chmod g+s /srv/data/shared
Copy the Get-Modules notebook into it
cp 'Get-Module.ipynb' /srv/data/shared
Create a collaboration folder
Back in the SSH session install the Access Control Libraries.
sudo apt install -y acl
Back in JupyterHub
sudo mkdir -p /srv/data/collab
sudo ln -s /srv/data/collab /etc/skel/collab
sudo chown root:jupyterhub-users /srv/data/collab
sudo chmod 777 /srv/data/collab
sudo chmod g+s /srv/data/collab
sudo setfacl -d -m group:jupyterhub-users:rwx /srv/data/collab
Known Issues
Depends: libicu but it is not installable
THe error above can appear during the .NET SDK installation. It can be caused when the dependencies cannot be reconciled properly. First check that you have listed the correct version for your Ubuntu server into the URL for downloading packages-microsoft-prod.deb. If you confirm you have the correct version and still receive this error, you can get around it by deleting the microsoft-prod.list file using the commands below. Then running the update and install again.
WARNING: This could have unintended consequences and should only be used as a last resort.
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0