Practical Automation with PowerShell

After months and months of work, I’m proud to announce my new book is now available for purchase.

Practical Automation with PowerShell

Practical Automation with PowerShell reveals how you can use PowerShell to build automation solutions for a huge number of common admin and DevOps tasks. It takes you beyond scripting basics and shows you how to handle the unforeseen complexities that can keep automations from becoming reusable and resilient. You’ll discover tools and platforms that let you share your automations with your team and even roll them out to non-technical users through easy-to-understand frontends.

All code examples and scripts in the book are available on the GitHub repo for the book.

The book is in the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP). In MEAP, you read a book chapter-by-chapter while it’s being written and get the final eBook as soon as it’s finished. Which offers several benefits over the traditional “wait to read” model.

  • • Get started now. You can read early versions of the chapters before the book is finished.
  • • Regular updates. We’ll let you know when updates are available, and you can get the new content from your Manning user account.
  • • Get finished books faster. MEAP customers are the first to get final eBooks and pBooks.
  • • Contribute to the writing process. Your feedback in the liveBook Discussion Forum makes the book better.

Be sure to check back here, GitHub, and Manning

One Comment

  1. I am glad you decided to write this, I’ve always been interested in an end to end automation PowerShell book and there aren’t any good books for that. Just a few snippets here and there but no end to end automation.

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