PowerShell remoting help in a lot of areas, but there are times when you need to use PSExec. For those instances, I’ve created a function that you can use to run a command on a remote machine using PSExec.
Function ExecutePsExec($computer, $command){
$ping = Test-Connection $computer -Count 1 -Quiet
$StdOutput = (Join-path $env:temp "$($computer).txt")
Start-Process -FilePath $psexec -ArgumentList "-s \\$computer $command" -Wait -RedirectStandardOutput $StdOutput -WindowStyle Hidden
$Results = Get-Content $StdOutput -raw
Remove-Item $StdOutput -Force
} else {
$Results = "Not online"
Computer = $computer
Results = $Results
# path to PsExec on your local machine
$script:psexec = "C:\Tools\PsExec.exe"
# the command to run
$command = 'cmd /c "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass \\SHARE01\Scripts\Demo.ps1"'
# execute the command on the remote computer
ExecutePsExec -computer 'MYPC01' -command $command