DateTime to ISO8601
$offset = ([System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local).BaseUtcOffset.ToString() $offset = $offset.Substring(0,$offset.LastIndexOf(':')) $date.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff") + $offset
My name is Matthew Dowst and I am a father, author, blogger, Microsoft MVP in PowerShell and Azure Hybrid & Migration. And I am an enthusiast of all things PowerShell and DevOps.
Practical Automation with PowerShell
Now available on Amazon and all major book retailers
My name is Matthew Dowst and I am a father, author, blogger, Microsoft MVP in PowerShell and Azure Hybrid & Migration. And I am an enthusiast of all things PowerShell and DevOps.
Practical Automation with PowerShell
Now available on Amazon and all major book retailers